Accessible Name and Description Tests

This page is a test of assistive technologies' support for accessible name and description, as defined by the Text Alternative Computation Algorithm (in the ARIA spec) and clarified in the W3C's HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide. In other words, if faced with multiple choices for how to identify an element, which of the choices should assistive technologies use? This page was designed to test which choices assistive technologies do use.

Each of the following elements has tabindex="0" so you can tab between them, as if on a form. Each element includes the following:

Form Input

Description of input field


Description of button


Description of image:
Photo of Earth from space (alt attribute)

Anchor elements

Link to Terrill's home page

Text Element Listed Under 6.11 (in this case, <strong>)

Content inside <strong> element.

Text Element not Listed Under 6.11 (in this case, <span>)

Content inside <span> element.
